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Showing posts from March, 2014

Unhide All Content in USB Flash Disk thru command prompt

1. Start -> Run 2. Type "cmd" 3. Enter "attrib -s -h E:\*.* /s /d where E: is the drive letter of your flash drive. for more info about the attrib command, run this command "attrib /?"

Excel Top rows are hidden problem

Today, the top 10 rows of my excel file are hidden i tried Unhide from FORMAT menu, but no luck. Solution: 1. on menu bar click "View" 2. Freeze Panes 3. Unfreeze Panes The procedure above work in may case.

Easy way to get MAC address of the remote devices connected to your local area network (LAN)

1. Open Command Prompt (CMD) 2. Type "arp -a" (w/o qoutation mark)